Actually, I don't know if the following is more a caption, a comic or a story with a lot of pictures. It may be something in between. I hope you like it. I rendered the pics myself. All the style and vulgar language, within this story is on purpose and necessary for the right touch.
For the fast ones: Just skip the first big bunch of text ;)
In not too distant future, Concerns took over the lead of world. (You know the setting, just imagine you part.) And as always, there are also rebels. Here, those rebels have to work undercover, because the Concerns know of easy ways to trace somebody and hunt him down as soon as they got his or her identity.
In this setting, we are looking at the recent happenings to "James Loral Jane Emmington", known to no one but his very close friends (also rebels, of course). His call-name was "Hunter J", because he knew how to hunt his enemies until they gave up. No one ever survived this "giving up".
So, one rainy day - the perfect weather for 'smelling the scent of an upcoming killing spree, as he used to call it. He and his friends headed towards 'Biotech' for another rush through their new security recruits. As you know, Hunter J was not the warmhearted type of guy, who would care about those 'poor' young recruits. In his eyes, it was all enemy flesh. He had kinda luck that his friends didn't care.
As you may have presumed, something went horribly wrong this time.
Hunter J on the rush |
As you can see, he wasn't the 'muscle-man'. But he was smart, he knew to trick his enemies and how to slaughter them in one well timed, single attack. ... Until...
Hunter J noticing some fancy new guns of his enemies |
..he made a very new and rare experience. The biotech guards seemed to have fancy new toys.
A gun that actually creates an explosion with an intense shock wave from a hidden target beyond you. That was quite an atypical invention for Biotech.
Hunter J on a trip through the stinky air |
.. And as he took his ride through the stinky air of the old Biotech production hall, he realized one single, but in return very clear fact. 'I'm screwed'.
He woke up, feeling pain, which was kinda good because that implied that they must have thought he was dead. His whole body felt like burning and every bone felt broken...
Hunter J waking up in horribly pain |
.. cause it had been, but he didn't know that. Not crying like a baby, but definitely screaming in pain, he tried to recover. A strong mind helped his body to get it up off the floor... more or less..
Hunter J realizing some decent changes |
his chest felt swollen, very swollen, almost like... err... tits? Where was his body hair? He tried to get up, and almost could do it. Comic-like J began to sneak off. Because of fear, she took it slow and with all possible precaution. She attempted to leave this f****** place.
Hunter J sneaking off comic-like |
.. oh she made it.. after all. She pulled her body towards their secret rebel base, making sure to not being traced. On the way there, she had time to realize, what had happened to her. And that was really ruining her day now. Looking for aid, she found no wounds. She fell to ground again, from the returning pain growing stronger.
Hunter J falling down as pain returns |
She didn't feel anything growing or disappearing. She knew there was nothing left to lose.
And while she tried to recover she considered what to do now very carefully. She needed a disguise from the Concerns, because this was biotech’s style and she knew, that they didn't leave her cause they thought she was dead. They wanted to play a game with her, ‘not with ME' she thought.
It would be easy for them to identify a girl in guy’s clothes in the crowds, so she needed some casual girl clothes. But where?
Hunter J feeling creepy about a necessity |
It looked as if Laura hadn't returned yet, and if that was the case, she was most likely killed. So why not take her clothes? Although she knew about the necessity of this step, she felt creepy about doing it. ‘Ah, what the hell’, she thought, ‘I might as well get this shit over with.’
Hunter J rummaging for clothes |
There were a few outfits, all not so... 'warm', but she had no choice.
Hunter J now dressed up in possibly dead woman's cloths |
She decided for the outfit that looked most casual. But to be really safe from Biotech, there was one more thing left to do. Before she made her way home, she changed the only thing left of her old life completely... her hair.
Hunter J with a completely new hairstyle. |
As she finally arrived home, she watched the news and browsed the web (over secure proxies of course) to find some information about this weapon, what had happened, and how to revert back to a MAN!
And there is one thing for sure. Hunter J wasn't Hunter J anymore, if this is the end of the story.
I hope you enjoyed that first part.
written and illustrated by Viola
corrected by radman